Risky Business Podcast
In this edition of Snake Oilers we’ll be hearing from Google Security — Anton Chuvakin is appearing on their behalf to talk more about how switching to its cloud-native SIEM actually makes sense now. Paul McCarty from SecureStack will be along to talk through their latest stuff, and it’s interesting actually because they’re doing software composition analysis that includes a lot more information than just what code is going into an application — what services is the application using? Which APIs? They’ve also built some really nice compliance tools where you can do a single scan and see how you measure up against various regimes…
You can find the original podcast at the Risky.biz site here: https://risky.biz/snakeoilers15pt2/

Paul McCarty
Founder of SecureStack
DevSecOps evangelist, entrepreneur, father of 3 and snowboarder
Forbes Top 20 Cyber Startups to Watch in 2021!
Mentioned in KuppingerCole's Leadership Compass for Software Supply Chain Security!